At Salterlee, our units of work follow a learnings sequence focused on the following structure:
- Exploring design ideas
- Investigating and Making: Pupils have the opportunity to master techniques and develop relevant key skills
- Evaluating and Developing: Pupils put into practice what they have learnt to create a ‘final piece’ product.
Across KS1 and KS2 pupils have the opportunity to develop skills in the following areas:
- Structures
- Mechanisms
- Textiles
- Cooking and Nutrition
- Electrical Systems (KS2 only)
We have mixed class teaching. We ensure every pupil receives a broad and balanced curriculum that not only meets but enhances the requirements of the national curriculum. To achieve this, each classes curriculum content is delivered in year bands (Band A and Band B).
Below are the year bands for the following academic years:
Academic Year 24/25 – Band A
Academic Year 25/26 – Band B
Each curriculum overview will identify which curriculum content is taught in which year band. This ensures all pupils study the full range of curriculum (both Band A and Band B) content of each academic subject.